DGLA: Ohio Cooperative Point Series - Summer 2016
Points · Apr - Jul 2016 · Columbus, OH
DGLA: OhCPS - Top Ten Dirty Little Stats
DGLA: Ohio Cooperative Point Series - Summer 2016 OhCPS
Week # 7 of 16
32 possible Counted Rounds for the season
Sunday April 10th 2016 - Saturday July 30th 2016
8 leagues
487 T ...
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DGLA: Ohio Cooperative Point Series - Summer 2016 OhCPS
Week # 7 of 16
32 possible Counted Rounds for the season
Sunday April 10th 2016 - Saturday July 30th 2016
8 leagues
487 Total Rounds Played
114 Total # of Players
6,553 Total Points awarded
This next section of stats I look at what does it take to be in the Top Ten based on all the average of the currently best 10 players:
170.1 Points
11.8 # of Rounds 0.7 Avg Rounds / week
10.6 # of Rounds Counted 0.7 Avg Rounds / week
14.514 Average Points per Rounds
16.244 Average Points per Counted rounds
1.7 Wins
0.1 Aces
139 Min points
207 Max points
68 Point Spread 1st to 10th
I have been looking at these stats for 8 years now, multiple mathematical and psychological models and I have found the secrete. Now it may be too simple for some of you but it proves out every season..... - "Play Well Often". Ok some of you need more details I know - What does "Well" mean and how Often is Often?
Ok if your in the top 10 of the current 114 players across Ohio I will be airing out your dirty little stats for all to see, so they know how you did it so far and what they need to do to knock you out of the top ten spots on the DGLA OhCPS leaderboard.
What does it take to make it in the top ten league players of the OhCPS 2016? Lets look deeper.....
So at week 7 with Two rounds a week you can have 14 counted rounds adding to your point total at this date and time (OK we are at the beginning of week 8 when I pulled these stats (Wednesday) so currently the max is 15 rounds for the over achievers. Get a job - I mean your living my dream ;-)
If more than 2 rounds are played in a week (Sunday - Saturday) the lower score rounds are "Dropped" helping you Point to Round ratio or average but also giving those who can only play once to twice a week a fighting chance.
To give you an example of how this works. Let's take the Player in the top 10 who has the least number of total rounds played.
Lowest number of counted rounds played in the Top 10 is 9 rounds, Bob Becker with a Points per Counted Round average of over 16.111 points per round. He just doesn't have enough of these high scoring rounds to displace the top 7 currently but he could if he was able to get more rounds in.
Our Highest Pts / Counted Round in the top ten is: 10th place melissa martin with a 19.85714 pts per round average. melissa has played 10 rounds but 3 where dropped leaving her 7 counted rounds Again a few more counted rounds like this and she is knocking a few more down the leaderboard.
The top 5 players have very close Pts per round average (15.9 - 18.7 pts / round). Each has 11 counted rounds except Larry Bright Jr. who has 13 counted rounds. So even thou Larry has a slightly lower Pts per counted round then the other 4 those two extra counted rounds puts him in the 1st place position currently.
so "Play Well" you get more points per round.
"Play Often" you increase your max point potential
"Play Well Often" and you maximize your standing on the leaderboard. - Proven once again. ;-)
Let's get to the raw dirty little stats:
I tried to format them a little differently this time to make it easier to read.
All Leaderboards · Overall Points
Leaderboard Position [Points] [Total Rounds] [Counted Rounds] [Total Rounds Ratio] [Counted Rounds Ratio]
1 Larry Bright Jr. 207 13 13 15.92307692 15.92307692
2 eric " Sharky " boyd 206 12 11 17.16666667 18.72727273
3 PK Deaner 189 11 11 17.18181818 17.18181818
4 Theodore Mote 188 13 11 14.46153846 17.09090909
5 Andy Morrison 186 15 11 12.4 16.90909091
6 Bruce -Chicken Wing- Shirer 150 13 13 11.53846154 11.53846154
7 James Humphrey 148 11 10 13.45454545 14.8
8 Bob Becker 145 9 9 16.11111111 16.11111111
9 Joe Michelini 143 11 10 13 14.3
10 melissa martin 139 10 7 13.9 19.85714286
10 Joseph Cruz 139 8 8 17.375 17.375
Now what else helps characterize & differentiate players?
Wins - How often did a player get Max points for the league they played.
Aces - Nice Shot! and Extra Points - Cha Ching! 25 points extra for hitting that Hole in One.
Leaderboard Position Player Points Wins Aces
1 Larry Bright Jr. 207 1 0
2 eric " Sharky " boyd 206 4 0
3 PK Deaner 189 2 0
4 Theodore Mote 188 3 0
5 Andy Morrison 186 3 0
6 Bruce -Chicken Wing- Shirer 150 1 0
7 James Humphrey 148 2 0
8 Bob Becker 145 0 0
9 Joe Michelini 143 0 0
10 melissa martin 139 1 1
10 Joseph Cruz 139 1 0
Play Well - Average Win per player in the top ten is 1.7 So you don't have to have a bunch of Wins as we have two players without a Win yet in the top ten but it tends to be a good indicator. eric "Shary" boyd has the most with 4 Wins so far and that has him in 2nd place. Well played consistently eric.
Aces - Well Aces are tough and the Average in the Top ten is 0.1 aces, that average is achieved by only one players in the Top Ten. melissa martin has the only Ace in the top ten - Nice Shot melissa.
Looks like her first round of the season April 12th - Hudson Springs DGC Tues Night Scrambles
Hudson Springs Park Regular tees, 19 holes for $50.
Congrats Mel and good luck at Worlds 2016
How about the other top 20 leaderboard positions?
12 Rob Panelley 132 7 18.85714286
13 Nick Schultz 130 7 18.57142857
14 Mark Festi 129 8 16.125
15 duane koczan 120 8 15
15 Rob Yaddi 120 8 15
17 David music man Hotchkiss 116 6 19.33333333
18 Tom English 115 9 12.77777778
19 Justin Pecek 110 7 15.71428571
20 Jon Gensel 108 7 15.42857143
I also like to look at who is potentially out there that could move up the leaderboard - the potential movers and shakers. So looking at Pt/round with 3 or more rounds, Frank Lyons currently in 45th place with only 3 rounds played has a point per round average of 20 pts per counted round. Man just a few more rounds like that and the top of the leaderboard would be looking different. Not far off here are a few more potential top leaderboard candidate for the future.
Leaderboard Position Player Points [Total Rounds] [Pts / Rounds Avg]
45 Frank Lyons 60 3 20
17 David music man Hotchkiss 116 6 19.33333333
12 Rob Panelley 132 7 18.85714286
13 Nick Schultz 130 7 18.57142857
48 Brian Taylor 54 3 18
So I hope no complaints on the weather. Get out and enjoy as many of these great Ohio courses as possible - a great time to do that is by visiting the local league and get the local players insights and hopefully steal some of their points (In the friendliest of ways ;-)
Thanks to all the League Admin and players who help them out.
Peace and Enjoy the Rounds
Jun 2, 2016
by Foz Miller
Week # 7 of 16
32 possible Counted Rounds for the season
Sunday April 10th 2016 - Saturday July 30th 2016
8 leagues
487 Total Rounds Played
114 Total # of Players
6,553 Total Points awarded
This next section of stats I look at what does it take to be in the Top Ten based on all the average of the currently best 10 players:
170.1 Points
11.8 # of Rounds 0.7 Avg Rounds / week
10.6 # of Rounds Counted 0.7 Avg Rounds / week
14.514 Average Points per Rounds
16.244 Average Points per Counted rounds
1.7 Wins
0.1 Aces
139 Min points
207 Max points
68 Point Spread 1st to 10th
I have been looking at these stats for 8 years now, multiple mathematical and psychological models and I have found the secrete. Now it may be too simple for some of you but it proves out every season..... - "Play Well Often". Ok some of you need more details I know - What does "Well" mean and how Often is Often?
Ok if your in the top 10 of the current 114 players across Ohio I will be airing out your dirty little stats for all to see, so they know how you did it so far and what they need to do to knock you out of the top ten spots on the DGLA OhCPS leaderboard.
What does it take to make it in the top ten league players of the OhCPS 2016? Lets look deeper.....
So at week 7 with Two rounds a week you can have 14 counted rounds adding to your point total at this date and time (OK we are at the beginning of week 8 when I pulled these stats (Wednesday) so currently the max is 15 rounds for the over achievers. Get a job - I mean your living my dream ;-)
If more than 2 rounds are played in a week (Sunday - Saturday) the lower score rounds are "Dropped" helping you Point to Round ratio or average but also giving those who can only play once to twice a week a fighting chance.
To give you an example of how this works. Let's take the Player in the top 10 who has the least number of total rounds played.
Lowest number of counted rounds played in the Top 10 is 9 rounds, Bob Becker with a Points per Counted Round average of over 16.111 points per round. He just doesn't have enough of these high scoring rounds to displace the top 7 currently but he could if he was able to get more rounds in.
Our Highest Pts / Counted Round in the top ten is: 10th place melissa martin with a 19.85714 pts per round average. melissa has played 10 rounds but 3 where dropped leaving her 7 counted rounds Again a few more counted rounds like this and she is knocking a few more down the leaderboard.
The top 5 players have very close Pts per round average (15.9 - 18.7 pts / round). Each has 11 counted rounds except Larry Bright Jr. who has 13 counted rounds. So even thou Larry has a slightly lower Pts per counted round then the other 4 those two extra counted rounds puts him in the 1st place position currently.
so "Play Well" you get more points per round.
"Play Often" you increase your max point potential
"Play Well Often" and you maximize your standing on the leaderboard. - Proven once again. ;-)
Let's get to the raw dirty little stats:
I tried to format them a little differently this time to make it easier to read.
All Leaderboards · Overall Points
Leaderboard Position [Points] [Total Rounds] [Counted Rounds] [Total Rounds Ratio] [Counted Rounds Ratio]
1 Larry Bright Jr. 207 13 13 15.92307692 15.92307692
2 eric " Sharky " boyd 206 12 11 17.16666667 18.72727273
3 PK Deaner 189 11 11 17.18181818 17.18181818
4 Theodore Mote 188 13 11 14.46153846 17.09090909
5 Andy Morrison 186 15 11 12.4 16.90909091
6 Bruce -Chicken Wing- Shirer 150 13 13 11.53846154 11.53846154
7 James Humphrey 148 11 10 13.45454545 14.8
8 Bob Becker 145 9 9 16.11111111 16.11111111
9 Joe Michelini 143 11 10 13 14.3
10 melissa martin 139 10 7 13.9 19.85714286
10 Joseph Cruz 139 8 8 17.375 17.375
Now what else helps characterize & differentiate players?
Wins - How often did a player get Max points for the league they played.
Aces - Nice Shot! and Extra Points - Cha Ching! 25 points extra for hitting that Hole in One.
Leaderboard Position Player Points Wins Aces
1 Larry Bright Jr. 207 1 0
2 eric " Sharky " boyd 206 4 0
3 PK Deaner 189 2 0
4 Theodore Mote 188 3 0
5 Andy Morrison 186 3 0
6 Bruce -Chicken Wing- Shirer 150 1 0
7 James Humphrey 148 2 0
8 Bob Becker 145 0 0
9 Joe Michelini 143 0 0
10 melissa martin 139 1 1
10 Joseph Cruz 139 1 0
Play Well - Average Win per player in the top ten is 1.7 So you don't have to have a bunch of Wins as we have two players without a Win yet in the top ten but it tends to be a good indicator. eric "Shary" boyd has the most with 4 Wins so far and that has him in 2nd place. Well played consistently eric.
Aces - Well Aces are tough and the Average in the Top ten is 0.1 aces, that average is achieved by only one players in the Top Ten. melissa martin has the only Ace in the top ten - Nice Shot melissa.
Looks like her first round of the season April 12th - Hudson Springs DGC Tues Night Scrambles
Hudson Springs Park Regular tees, 19 holes for $50.
Congrats Mel and good luck at Worlds 2016
How about the other top 20 leaderboard positions?
12 Rob Panelley 132 7 18.85714286
13 Nick Schultz 130 7 18.57142857
14 Mark Festi 129 8 16.125
15 duane koczan 120 8 15
15 Rob Yaddi 120 8 15
17 David music man Hotchkiss 116 6 19.33333333
18 Tom English 115 9 12.77777778
19 Justin Pecek 110 7 15.71428571
20 Jon Gensel 108 7 15.42857143
I also like to look at who is potentially out there that could move up the leaderboard - the potential movers and shakers. So looking at Pt/round with 3 or more rounds, Frank Lyons currently in 45th place with only 3 rounds played has a point per round average of 20 pts per counted round. Man just a few more rounds like that and the top of the leaderboard would be looking different. Not far off here are a few more potential top leaderboard candidate for the future.
Leaderboard Position Player Points [Total Rounds] [Pts / Rounds Avg]
45 Frank Lyons 60 3 20
17 David music man Hotchkiss 116 6 19.33333333
12 Rob Panelley 132 7 18.85714286
13 Nick Schultz 130 7 18.57142857
48 Brian Taylor 54 3 18
So I hope no complaints on the weather. Get out and enjoy as many of these great Ohio courses as possible - a great time to do that is by visiting the local league and get the local players insights and hopefully steal some of their points (In the friendliest of ways ;-)
Thanks to all the League Admin and players who help them out.
Peace and Enjoy the Rounds