Hole Nine Ace Pool for next week will be $578. The other ace pool will be at $154.
CTP and LP winners
Shore Acres Jgill
GR Hobby and Disc Mitch Bauer
Disc Baron D-Roc
Disc Baron LP D-Roc
Fallasburg Sean Holcomb
Frisci Disc Kenny Gill
Bgill LP Pete Reaume
Bgill 50/50 Nick Bosovich
Bgill CTP Sebatian Dobry
Hometeam Kevin Crampton
Battle Creek Tree
Hole Nine pool and Week Winners
Hole Nine Ace Pool for next week will be $578. The other ace pool will be at $154.
CTP and LP winners
Shore Acres Jgill
GR Hobby and Disc Mitch Bauer
Disc Baron D-Roc
Disc Baron LP D-Roc
Fallasburg Sean Holcomb
Frisci Disc Kenny Gill
Bgill LP Pete Reaume
Bgill 50/50 Nick Bosovich
Bgill CTP Sebatian Dobry
Hometeam Kevin Crampton
Battle Creek Tree