Old Farm Summer League by Flight Risk DGC   May 24, 2016 at 3:03am

Week 4

Okay week 4 is in the books and what a great week it was. We played our long alternate course and Randy Rosendall and Kevin Wagner took home the win shooting a 47 (-7). Great job guys. We had one ace by Victor Wahl on hole #3. He took home half the ace pool ($35) as he is not a member of Flight Risk DGC. CTP's, LP's, and 50/50 are as follows. #1 LP from Disc Baron goes to Kevin Wagner. #3 CTP from Flight Risk DGC goes to Victor Wahl. #6 CTP from GR Hobby and Disc Golf goes to Ken Hall. #12 LP from Danny Garza goes to Rich Fuller. #18 50/50 from the players goes to Ken Hall for $18. Ace pool sit at $37 because 2nd, 3rd, and 4th tied and split and each person donated their 33 1/3 to the ace pool. On a side note we have had 64 different player join us out at Old Farm this year.