Week 6 statistics have been updated as well as rolling handicaps for all who have earned them.
Handicaps effective as of 5/6/2016:
Aiden Gensel - 19
Bill Adamini - 4
Bill Harris - 3
Dave Jordan - 3
Katfish - 9
Joe Cruz - 7
Joel Garn - 9
Jon Gensel - 11
Justin Caraballo - 12
Mark Festi - 10
Matt Karthan - 11
Nick Schultz - 0
Paul Gaiser - 4
PK Deaner - 0
Rob Panelley - 4
Ryan "Tuni" Petrunyak - 7
*All players not listed have a handicap of 0.*
Thanks Joe. Why was par 59 this time?
We played 19 holes and #3 & #18 are par 4's.
Gotcha. Pretty sure our card still played 20. Which hold wasn't actually played?
Guess I'm nobody :(
I'll fix yours later tonight, sorry Mike!
Mike Thomas - 6