2016 Fountain City Flyerz Cash Doubles League   May 2, 2016 at 2:07am

Some announcements

I have a few things to announce about our Wednesday night doubles league. First, we will play a couple alternate formats during the 16 week run of the doubles league. One will be a round from the red tees, and the other will be announced at a later date.

Second, I am amending the rules for sudden death playoffs. All of the players involved in a playoff must be present, or the prize will be split.

You must arrange to claim any prize you win no later than one week from the round you won it, or the league director will use it for furtherance of the game.

Last, you must be signed in by 6:20 PM or have contacted myself or another player to let someone know you're on your way, or you will not be included in the round.


Benjamin Wonders   May 1, 2016 at 6:16pm

Incidentally, I can be reached at 419-344-1655.