K Dogg  › McGraft Park   April 6, 2016 at 5:29am

Its that time again, McNasty Summer League!

Singles league will start this Thursday April 7 at 6pm and the cost is $5 per week (please try to be at the course no later then 5:50 or call ahead). THe format will be basically the same as in years past with the exception of some added OBs and mandos. Hanicaps will not be rolled over from last year so all players must play three rounds to establish a handicap, on the fourth week you will no longer play course par rather your average from the past three rounds. That will continue as long as you play league, ie your three previous rounds average will be your handicap for the next week.

Ace pool is included in your entry fee ($1 per week per person) and will be open for any player for the first three weeks of play. After week three only players with established handicaps will be elidgble for the total ace pool, all others will only get the day of ace pool.

Our friends at Sweet Spot Disc Golf will again be helping us with CTPs and LPs at a reduced cost. There will be at least one CTP or LP per week, the fee for this will be taken out of the total buy-ins per week (Its only $10 or less).

Out of bounds rules will be in effect for all singles league play. The only addition to previous set OB's will be the fenced in area on hole #6 where the shuffle board courts are. If you end up in the courts, take a drop outside the fence where your disc first went over or re-tee, both encur a stroke penalty. If you don't know the set OB's and/or what to do if you land in them, please ask me before you play.

This year there will also be two mandos added to the course to promote safety and make the course a bit more difficult. Mandos will be marked on trees with orange tape. The first Mando will be on hole #3. Players must pass by the marked tree on the left side of said tree. If you fail to do so you can either try to throw back around on the proper side (basically going backward to go forward) or you may take a drop from the short #3 teepad with a stroke penalty. The second mando will be on hole #7. Again a tree will be marked and you must pass by it on the left side. If you miss the mando, just like on #3, you have the option of trying to throw back around it the proper way or taking a drop on the top of the sledding hill with a stroke penalty.

That about does it for the legal mumbo jumbo. See you all on Thursday.

Your humble leader,
