The turnout was low, but the talent level was high today. Wolf Pack pro, Nick Eastman, swept up today, taking the win, the cash CTP, AND the merch CTP. At the end of the day, he found himself with $52 and a Soft-X Challenger (Sunnybrook 2014 stamp). Ace pool grows to $66, a respectable start to our official season.
March 12, 2016 - Atchison Park
The turnout was low, but the talent level was high today. Wolf Pack pro, Nick Eastman, swept up today, taking the win, the cash CTP, AND the merch CTP. At the end of the day, he found himself with $52 and a Soft-X Challenger (Sunnybrook 2014 stamp). Ace pool grows to $66, a respectable start to our official season.