OK the week grace period is up, hopefully all leagues had time to post all rounds. Here is the break down of the leaderboard and our new Winter Disc Golf League Champion.
DGLA: Ohio Cooperative Point Series - Winter 2015/16
14 week season
28 possible Counted Rounds
Sunday Nov 23rd 2014 - Saturday Feb 28th 2015
6 Participating Leagues
46 Total # of Players
319 Total Rounds Played
5,008 Total Points awarded
Compared to last year
14 week season
28 possible Counted Rounds
Sunday Nov 23rd 2014 - Saturday Feb 28th 2015
6 leagues
46 Total # of Players
226 Total Rounds Played
3,883 Total Points awarded
Winter Season Trends by Year:
Year 2014 2015 2016
#of Leagues 7 6 6
#of Players 45 46 63
I like to look at how many rounds players actually played and what it takes to make it into the top spots.
Last year comment "Kudos to the top four players who managed to get in 18 or more rounds of the max 28 rounds during the 14 week season. Your on the right path and hey your in the top 4."
This year - Only one player managed to get more than one round a week. rollie rush managed 20 rounds - Congrats. Actually if you look at the leaderboard it looks like it is almost sorted by the number of rounds played. The top 13 places all had 10 or more rounds. Andy Morrison & Justin Pecek each played 12 rounds, Mickey Anderson, Joe Michelini & Larry Bright Jr. each played 13.
So the number of rounds played really was a key factor, the more you play the higher the probability you will out score the rest of the Ohio players.
Now Aces are worth 25 points - that can make a difference but this season in the top ten only one player had an Ace. PK Deaner, Sunday dubs @ Veterans Memorial Park, Mike Broda Memorial DGC, 12/13/15 Hole 8 - Nice shot PK.
So besides playing more it also helps to WIN. On average the top ten players had 2.3 wins. Now three players did not have any Wins so with the lower number of Rounds played per player you don't have to win a lot but if you want to be at the top of the leaderboard it helps. Dan Nelson had 2 wins, PK Deaner & Larry Bright Jr. both had 3 each. Justin Pecek notched it up a bit to secure 2nd place with 6 wins and rollie rush edge him out with 7 wins for the top spot.
Congratulation rollie rush - our DGLA: Ohio Cooperative Point Series - Winter 2015/16 Champion
Leaderboard Position Player, Points, Total Rounds, PTs/Round Ratio, Wins, Aces
1 rollie rush 364 20 18.2 7 0
2 Justin Pecek 239 12 19.92 6 0
3 Larry Bright Jr. 234 13 18 3 0
4 Joe Michelini 219 13 16.85 0 0
5 Mickey Anderson 215 13 16.54 0 0
6 PK Deaner 200 10 20 3 1
7 Kevin Daney 192 11 17.45 1 0
8 Dan Nelson 182 11 16.55 2 0
9 Don D 181 10 18.1 0 0
10 Andy Morrison 152 12 12.67 1 0
Average Stats of the Top Ten Player
217.8 Points
12.5 # of Rounds 0.9 Avg Rounds / week
12.5 # of Rounds Counted 0.9 Avg Rounds / week
17.427 Average Points per Rounds
17.427 Average Points per Counted rounds
2.3 Wins
0.1 Aces
0.0 HLW
152 Min points
364 Max points
212 Point Spread
Last year comment:
I was also very excited to see a woman in the top ten.
melissa martin with 11 rounds and two win in handicapped leagues. Way to go melissa.
This year I'm still happy to see melissa on the leaderboard - only 3 rounds but if you look at her points per Round average she would have been in 10th place overall but way to get out and play melissa.
So that leads me to another great metric to look at is the points per round average to try and identify the sleepers who if they could just get a few more rounds in at their current pt/round Avg they would be up near the top - but you just never know unless they actually play the rounds.....
so in the top ten the average points per round average is between 12.6 & 19.9 (last year: 14 & 20.06)
pts per round. If I order the players who have at least 3 rounds by their point per round average here are the top players and several could have been in the top ten if they had just a few more rounds in this season....
I left Kipper Kendzierski in the list even though he only had 1 round as he had the best Pts/round average with 22. Last year the best was 22.333333 Kevin Daney in 9th place with 9 rounds
Top Players by Pts/Round Average with 3 or more rounds.
Leaderboard Position, Player, Pts, # of Rounds, PTs/Round Average
49 Kipper Kendzierski 22 1 22
6 PK Deaner 200 10 20
2 Justin Pecek 239 12 19.91666667
28 Robert Hanratty 76 4 19
18 Theodore Mote 110 6 18.33333333
1 rollie rush 364 20 18.2
9 Don D 181 10 18.1
3 Larry Bright Jr. 234 13 18
14 eric " Sharky " boyd 126 7 18
34 melissa martin 54 3 18
7 Kevin Daney 192 11 17.45454545
21 Joel Garn 104 6 17.33333333
35 Jacobie Bagley 52 3 17.33333333
4 Joe Michelini 219 13 16.84615385
22 Nick Witter 101 6 16.83333333
8 Dan Nelson 182 11 16.54545455
5 Mickey Anderson 215 13 16.53846154
30 David Tilson 65 4 16.25
24 Max N. Plouck 96 6 16
14 Michael "Sean" Barnes 126 8 15.75
18 Brian Shega 110 7 15.71428571
25 Benjamin Wonders 92 6 15.33333333
So it shows that you have to get out and try to get as many rounds as possible if you really want a chance to be in the top spots.
Ok so the overall factor was # of rounds played and Wins. With the top four with over 18 rounds each.
So whats next?
Summer season starts April 10th. Make sure your local Ohio league has been added.
DGLA: Ohio Cooperative Point Series - Summer 2016
16 week Ohio State Wide Disc Golf League Point Series
Sunday April 10th 2016 - Saturday July 30th 2016
May 22nd 2016 Sunday - Deadline for adding new leagues to the Point Series.
** Leagues can always run outside the OhCPS dates but OhCPS points will only accumulate for rounds played between these dates.
Thanks to all the League Admin and Coordinators who bring us week after week great Disc Golf Leagues to Play.
Nobody tell the casuals Spring is here ;-) SHHHHH!!!!!
Enjoy the Warmer Spring Rounds.
Hell to the yes..