This Sunday will be our second wacky Sunday which will be "Alternating Worst Best Beast Bonanza". In other words, holes 1-6 will be played using the alternating shot format holes 7-12 will be played using the worst shot format, and holes 13-18 will be played using the best score format.
I will go into more detail on Sunday to help you understand the rules and quirks.
Wacky Sunday #2
Greetings to you on this 60 degree day!
This Sunday will be our second wacky Sunday which will be "Alternating Worst Best Beast Bonanza". In other words, holes 1-6 will be played using the alternating shot format holes 7-12 will be played using the worst shot format, and holes 13-18 will be played using the best score format.
I will go into more detail on Sunday to help you understand the rules and quirks.