Mickey Anderson  › 2016 Ice Bowl at The Pond, Recreation Park Painesville   Sticky December 21, 2015 at 8:40am

Thank you all who early registered for a full sized disc. there are plenty of spots left and anyone still wanting in will get a stamped mini. Come out and support St James Lunch Program and Painesville Disc Golf Club as we help to feed the hungry. Please do not forget your food, the 2 cans of food will be good for 1 mulligan to use as you please in the Tournament. I will announce when the disc arrive and any one who would like to pay in advance and get their disc early, we can work that out! I have posted our Fundraiser for the last nine. Please consider throwing in that tournament as we push to finish the final nine by Summer 2016!! I want to thank the NEO disc golf community for your support of our Club and Course!! last but not least still looking for final 9 hole sponsors. Get your name on the course!!