OK it's Tuesday - No round at Rolling Hills til Spring but if your putting game could use some improvement - Yeah that's everyone ;-), you think your putters can help fill your empty wallet or purse, ...
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OK it's Tuesday - No round at Rolling Hills til Spring but if your putting game could use some improvement - Yeah that's everyone ;-), you think your putters can help fill your empty wallet or purse, or you just miss hanging out with everyone. Grab your putters and head to the Barn by 6:00 tonight. If you need more details contact Sam Hardesty. He was also talking about getting together on another night as well. So if you want to putt but your busy on Tuesdays talk to Sam.
If you received this message via Ypsi Dubs News you are personally invited by Sam. If you are reading this elsewhere but want to get in on the barn action - Talk to Sam 1-900-PuttingBarn (charges apply ;-)
http://www.discgolfscene.com/profile/14293 <Sam Hardesty>
See yeah in the Barn - {{{{{{{Ching!}}}}}}