Major Big Players pack worth $65 and Fat Prize for the winner!
Rules of Play: You must use discs provided, One throw per player per Hole. Mark an A on the card for aces and a M on the card for a Metal Hit. Most aces win, in the event of a tie whoever has the most Metal Hits will be the Champ! If a tie persists then a CTP will determine the Ace Race King ha
Mulligans available 1st Round Only with a Max of 5
Uncle Todd #22388 September 11, 2015 at 7:07pm
Year #3 - Sunday Oct 4th, 2015...
2 Rounds of 24
Cost is $30 and includes Lunch
Major Big Players pack worth $65 and Fat Prize for the winner!
Rules of Play: You must use discs provided, One throw per player per Hole. Mark an A on the card for aces and a M on the card for a Metal Hit. Most aces win, in the event of a tie whoever has the most Metal Hits will be the Champ! If a tie persists then a CTP will determine the Ace Race King ha
Mulligans available 1st Round Only with a Max of 5
Ring of Fire for prizes afterwards - No Charge :)