Pelham Tag League 2015 Tue   August 25, 2015 at 2:55pm

Glow Round This Saturday @ 8:00 - Aug, 29th

Weather forecast looks perfect! Start time is 8:00.

Those super great chuckers who are going to help glow-up the course should be there for 7:00. The more the merrier when it comes to setup - very easy and kinda fun to glow stuff up, so come out and make it a great night!

Dollar store will get you some cheap glow bracelets that can be used to glow your discs inexpensively; attached to the underside of your disc with some clear packing tape. Glow discs work better with a UV flashlight. LED lights for your disc work the best!! Our sponsor sells them, stop in and grab a few! If you stop in the Dollar Store for bracelets for yourself grab a few packs for the course as well - the more glow stuff the more glow fun!!!

So, Glow It and Throw It!

The Glow Round will be for tags, but no points. Low score will Win something glowy!!! If we have enough interested chuckers we may do a Glow CTP for cash!

Let's Glow Do It!!!