There is only 2 more league nights left, counting this week!! The last round on 8/29 will be played as 2 rounds of the alternate layout, with CTPs to be paid out if no ace is hit this week or during that round. To qualify for the CTPs, you must have played in at least 2 rounds and paid into the ace fund. This will include the next two weeks!!! CTPs will be on 2 or 3 holes, with some of the funds ($15-20) to go towards repainting the chains, as some are beginning to get rusty. This should still leave at least 3 CTPs for $16 or, 2 for $24, as I'm guessing at least another $10 added to the fund by the end of the league. 2 of the CTPs will be on alternate #5 and alternate #8, with the other being alternate #7 if so decided. These are 3 of the 4 shortest holes on the layout, so everybody should have a chance to $$$ in!! Thanx to all who have come out to play, and we'll get this league back going again next Summer!
2 League Nights Left!!
There is only 2 more league nights left, counting this week!! The last round on 8/29 will be played as 2 rounds of the alternate layout, with CTPs to be paid out if no ace is hit this week or during that round. To qualify for the CTPs, you must have played in at least 2 rounds and paid into the ace fund. This will include the next two weeks!!! CTPs will be on 2 or 3 holes, with some of the funds ($15-20) to go towards repainting the chains, as some are beginning to get rusty. This should still leave at least 3 CTPs for $16 or, 2 for $24, as I'm guessing at least another $10 added to the fund by the end of the league. 2 of the CTPs will be on alternate #5 and alternate #8, with the other being alternate #7 if so decided. These are 3 of the 4 shortest holes on the layout, so everybody should have a chance to $$$ in!! Thanx to all who have come out to play, and we'll get this league back going again next Summer!