Fred Vocino  › Dirtymax Random Flip Charity Doubles   August 15, 2015 at 9:11pm

I hope to go...My schedule is "iffy". But my question is: Will the random draw occur twice, first round and second round? Twice makes it sporting and identifies the top player etc. The extra chore of two " flips" can be managed by using raffle tickets and assigning hole numbers (two, or three, ticket pairs in assending order per hole). I don't have a good take on the issue of randomness with a cap of 144 on two separate courses. A second "Flip" is easiest with less than 73 players.

willie prince   August 21, 2015 at 1:36pm

same partner both rounds, name will go on a ticket and teams will be drawn that way.. and as faras courses. both will be ran if need be but trying to stay with north..

Fred Vocino   August 24, 2015 at 10:13pm

Of course this all about helping people in need. I'll remind the guy who gets stuck with me for both rounds. Thanks for making this more than a game.