Ypsi Dubs 2015 Summer League -={Church}=- Sundays   August 4, 2015 at 8:13pm

Ypsi Dubs -={Church}=- 8/4/15, Got Berths?

Discraft Michigan State Championships 2015 - Got Berths????

Sat-Sun, September 5-6, 2015 at Flip City in Shelby, Michigan
B-tier · PDGA sanctioned singles tournament

Deadline to register is Aug 28 at midnight at that time your berth is no longer valid and you may have to play in the LCQ to get in to this event.

We'd like to thanks MDGO and Discraft for making this yearly event so great and we hope to see everyone up at Ludington for a great Disc Golf & Fun filled weekend. Thanks to all the volunteers that help make this event so enjoyable - we all appreciate your efforts.

If you don't have your Berth yet you can still get in by playing the Last Chance Qualifier on Friday. Some divisions may fill up but you still have an IN.... - LCQ

For our Berth winners I am submitting names today since I just got final confirmation and so you should be able to register now.....

Ok Ypsi Dubs purchased max berths from MDGO which was 6 berths this year. 2 for Winter and 4 for each summer league. So crazy fun just like the leagues this year.

Winter we had a tie for first place between Sam Smith and Tim Gacioch (Jub Jub) but Sam had already won his berth from the DGLA winter and Job Jub is not able to attend. So the berths go to the two players tied for 3rd place - Pat Burke and Kyle Decaussin. Congratulations!!!

Ypsi Dubs 2014/15 Winter League -={Church}=- Sundays
79 Players

Player Points
1 Tim Gacioch (Jub Jub) 196 <<Not Going >>
1 Sam Smith 196 <<Already has berth >>
3 Pat Burke 150 $$$ Berth $$$
3 Kyle Decaussin 150 $$$ Berth $$$
5 Mike Howard 144
6 Nate Mullins 140
7 Kevin Meyer 124
8 Phil Common 122
9 Ken Parks 116
10 Foz Miller 112

For Sumer Sunday league started first and ended first so we start with this league for berth awards.

Dany Fifer actually took 1st place in both leagues so this one is a no Brainer - Awesome season Danny - Great play and we look forward to you representing up in Ludington. Jeff Lozowsky will also represent playing hard and having fun. Congrats and Enjoy guys.

Ypsi Dubs 2015 Summer League -={Church}=- Sundays
126 Players

Player Points
1 Danny Fifer 288 $$$ Berth $$$
2 Jeff Lozowsky 258 $$$ Berth $$$
3 Richard Thelen 238
4 Kyle Decaussin 220
5 Oid . 210
6 Kevin Meyer 206
7 Mike Visger 190
8 Cody Coleman 180
9 Robert Dehaan 173
10 Jeff Ponke 171

Tuesdays since Danny alrerady has his berth we start with Ben Cicarelli in 2nd place taking a berth and heading to Ludington. Brian Fallon is now making plans as well. Congrats guys and have fun in Ludington.

Ypsi Dubs 2015 Summer League - The Original - Tuesdays
148 Players

Player Points
1 Danny Fifer 420 <<Already has berth>>
2 Ben Ciccarelli 406 $$$ Berth $$$
3 Brain Fallon 370
4 Greg Hoffman 366
5 Russell Taint 364
6 Ken Parks 350
7 Jeff Lozowsky 341
8 Rob Smith 326
9 Mike Visger 320
10 Chilly Chillson 316


You must have a berth to register for this event.

Deadline to register is Aug 28 at midnight at that time your berth is no longer valid and you may have to play in the LCQ to get in to this event.

Caps are as follows
All Open Pool A 96
AM 1 Pool B 96
AM 2 Pool C 96
AM 3 Pool D 96
AM Age Protected Men And Junior Boys Pool E 96
AM Women And Junior Girls Pool F 96

Hope to see everyone at Fall Folly rounds and in Ludington - Enjoy the Rounds - Peace

Foz Miller   August 4, 2015 at 12:55pm

Correction - Updated to show Brian Fallon recieved last berth Ypsi Dubs 2015 Summer League - The Original - Tuesdaysttt 148tPlayers tt tPlayertPointst 1tDanny Fifert420t <<Already has berth>> 2tBen Ciccarellit406t $$$ Berth $$$ 3tBrain Fallont370t $$$ Berth $$$ 4tGreg Hoffmant366t 5 ... more