We will be playing 36 holes today. The first 18 will be from the short tee pads to the short basket ...
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We will be playing 36 holes today. The first 18 will be from the short tee pads to the short basket locations. The second 18 will be played from the long tee pads to the long basket locations. The Recreational, Novice and Junior Divisions will play the short tee pads both rounds.
Steve Godar Jul 15, 2015The first 18 are shorts to shorts for all. Trying to make it like playing two different courses.
Brian Shega Jul 15, 2015I like that decision Steve. Variety is good.
Dan Davis Jul 17, 2015All open players will be playing both rounds from the long tees, playing the shorts would be like going to an amusement park and only riding the kiddy rides