No, check-in is all day Sunday and Monday. Player Meeting on Monday evening is Mandatory - you need to be there for rules changes etc. If you don't make it you will have to ask the TD when else you can get a players pack, perhaps Saturday after awards.
No, we've had people steal them that way. If you aren't there to get your players pack they will be available in the Pro Shop starting on Tuesday for pickup.
No, check-in is all day Sunday and Monday. Player Meeting on Monday evening is Mandatory - you need to be there for rules changes etc. If you don't make it you will have to ask the TD when else you can get a players pack, perhaps Saturday after awards.
Ok, thanks.
Are players packs given out at time of registration or at the Monday players meeting?
At Check-in
Am I able to have someonse else pick up my player pack for me ? I wont be getting there until Monday evening.
No, we've had people steal them that way. If you aren't there to get your players pack they will be available in the Pro Shop starting on Tuesday for pickup.