Winners for each Division go by PDGA points. in am2 each person gets 2 points for completing a round, and 2 points for each person you beat or tie. for Open y ...
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Winners for each Division go by PDGA points. in am2 each person gets 2 points for completing a round, and 2 points for each person you beat or tie. for Open you get 2.5 points for completing a round and 2.5 points for each person you beat or Tie.
Cavan had beat or Tied 31 people to win Open. while Joe Paczwa and Barry Hutton were at 29 for second.
Brandon Johnson was the clear winner of am2 after he Tied or beat 54 people
Now half way through the Second ten week
Barry Hutton, Nate Wegryn, and Dan Dufour have Tied or beaten 20 people each. Joe Paczwz is right behind them at 17, and Scott Ransley is at 15.
In am2 Brandon Johnson is in the Lead with 23, I am right behind him at 22, Nick Stock at 20, Dave Stewart at 16, and Dan Lee and Tree both at 11