Mark - just my two cents, but I heard the opposite. People that I talked to, including myself, could not believe what a good deal we all got for the cost of this tournament even outside of the payou ...
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Mark - just my two cents, but I heard the opposite. People that I talked to, including myself, could not believe what a good deal we all got for the cost of this tournament even outside of the payouts. I received the three disc player pack, which also included a mini and several stickers, a stash mini from Karma Junkie for winning my card one round, another disc and a great J-Bird series T-shirt for a CTP, and then with my modest payout got custom stamped Panther and limited edition Champ Vulcan. Add on three pieces of pizza, pop and water, a FTF custom frosted cookie, chocolate chip cookies on hole 1 during the round, a tournament program, coupon for Dunhams, and a couple of additional Innova stickers that you gave me for my truck.... I sorta felt like it was Christmas. And I didn't even take advantage of the FREE BEER!