K'Aces - Coldbrook 2015   June 18, 2015 at 7:39am

Feldberg Clinic Change of Date/time

David Feldberg will be coming out to Coldbrook on SUNDAY, JUNE 21ST, to run a clinic and host a “Beat the Champ” round of golf. He will be doing the clinic at 2:00 and will go until 3:00. After that you can pay $25 or $30 to play in the “Beat the Champ” round of golf. You will get 2 special Latitude 64 discs (both discs will be premium plastic for the $30). It will be a singles event with prizes for both Pros and Ams and if you beat Dave in the round of singles, he is promising “Special Prizes”.
Coldbrook is where Dave got his start playing disc golf and also where “Nobody could beat him” during the 2008 World Championships. Can you??? Either way it is a free clinic, a good price for some Latitude 64 discs, and it would be awesome if Dave got beat by a bunch of us locals!!