Hey is the course layout the same as it was or is all this work being done include any changes, I pl ...
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Hey is the course layout the same as it was or is all this work being done include any changes, I play it over a year ago and it sucked bad. had a map and still couldn't figure some of it out.I thought I read in the article in the keizer time that there were going to be changes to the course layout, If so might try it again when the work is all done.
Zac Teuscher Jun 10, 2015It is probably the same but their is a map on the kiosk...
Zac Teuscher Jun 10, 2015The course right now is in the best shape, probably since installation. The other sleeves can now be used so some baskets might move soon!
Zac Teuscher Jun 10, 2015When you wanna play? Lmk I'll come out
Mike Wilson Jun 10, 2015Since last time you played H17 is probably new and old 17 is the new 18