We may have just missed the rain, but we still had 7 people make it out in the 35mph winds. am2 and open where both won with a hot round of 53. With Brandon and Cavan both taking home $15 for winning their division. Joe Paczwa won the $14 cash CTP on hole 12. The ace pool is now up to $100. The unofficial Ratings can be seen at,
Next week Tuesday, April 28th
We will be heading back to Kensington for 19 holes (1-4 & 13-27) of Black Locust
Tee off @ 5:30pm
is the $5 in addition to the $3 fee to play?
The pay to play at Kensington is a separate thing, last month no one was collecting money at 5:30pm, but today is much nicer out
well I'll see u there
on my way, PDGA #70066