Reminder our end of season is Saturday March 28th. The high low doubles is for paid members with 5 or more league rounds only. Potluck and party for all paid members after the high low doubles. Sign in for the high low doubles will be from 9 am to 10 am. Please bring a dish to pass for the potluck.
could you tell me if I got the 50/50 on 10 and ctp on 11
You got the 50/50 on 10 but not the ctp on 11.
thanks what was the 50/50
$60 this week. I pay out all prizes the following week. Any prize not claimed by the end of season party goes to jumbo putt (if it's money it goes into payouts).
lost a star boss and star teebird both red with name and number. and how do i join the leauge online