Just a couple of things for everyone to be aware of before tomorrow's event. First off, I plan on just doing registration where the kiosk at hole 1 is for now. If they did plow the other side, I may d ...
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Just a couple of things for everyone to be aware of before tomorrow's event. First off, I plan on just doing registration where the kiosk at hole 1 is for now. If they did plow the other side, I may decide in the morning to set up in the pavilion, as it's much easier with all the tables in there. If someone has a truck, it would be a HUGE help if they could help transport a picnic table or two up to the front kiosk, as I think there may only be one up there right now. You can text me at 517-240-9564 if you can help with that and we'll coordinate in the morning. Registration is from 8am-9am, player's meeting at 9:15, and tee off is 9:30. We will be keeping the lunch time to a minimum, so if you can, bring a bag lunch. If not, there is store very close to the course (about a mile down the road) and they will have stuff there. Transporting all the merch has been taken care of, but I could still use a few volunteers to show up early and go around clearing and salting pads (I have the salt). The more people out there with shovels, the faster and easier this will be, especially since we are supposed to get some snow tonight. If anyone has any questions you can contact me directly. Looking forward to seeing everyone in the morning. We've got some sweet trophies and plastic to give out to our winners! I'll see you all there :)