Below are my notes of the main items discussed and/or decided upon at last night’s Monthly DFOK Meeting.
1. MOVE BASKETS FOR LCM: A group of volunteers was formed to move the baskets at the Fairmont course to the placements specified by the Lutheran Campus Ministry for Saturday’s “2015 LCM Ice Bowlâ€.
2. BASKET ROTATION COMMITTEES: It was discussed that some of the park’s baskets need to be rotated more often, and could vary depending on the season. For example; Moving them more often in the summer than in the winter, also more often for the fairways with 3 placements.
Shad Shafer was added to the Warner Park Basket Rotation Committee.
Mitch Brenn was added to the Fairmont Park Basket Rotation Committee.
3. FAIRMONT PARK / RL COUNTY UPDATE: A Fairmont Park Course update was provided by Rick Petrie (myself). Items discussed were where to locate the next 3 benches that Riley County has purchased. It was determined they should be installed at the following locations; 8’s tee pad, 10’s tee pad & 16’s tee pad. In addition to the existing benches by 1’s tee pad, 3’s tee pad & 14’s tee pad. Also discussed were many options for course enhancements such as drinking fountains, directional signs, tall grass OB areas, elevated pins, etc. Also discussed were general future park construction projects, for example new sidewalks currently under construction.
4. WARNER PARK / CITY UPDATE: A Warner Park Course update was provided by Mitchell Brenn regarding the Club’s ongoing request to finish the 18 hole course. Items discussed were the ongoing progress of the City’s Strategic Facility Improvements Plan, plus a recent tour of the course with a City Parks staff member. The City has hired a consulting firm to help study ALL the City’s current parks, plus the recreation programs, in order to see what Manhattan citizens want & need. We examined the minutes from latest meeting of the City’s Steering Committee for the above described Improvements Plan. The current phase of that project is the City is developing a survey/questionnaire to mail to a random sampling of Manhattan citizens. More information can be found at Also discussed regarding the Warner Park course was the need for some workday activities/improvements on the existing course. Items discussed were the need for some stairs in specific areas, moving tee sign #6, plus a few miscellaneous maintenance ideas.
5. RIVER POND / STATE PARK UPDATE: A River Pond Course update was provided by Daisuke Takahashi. Daisuke has been working independent of DFOK to coordinate efforts in (1) “Fundraising†for new equipment, (2) “Re-Design†activities, and (3) “Signage†improvements to the existing River Pond Course at the Tuttle Creek State Park. Daisuke then made a formal request for planning & labor assistance from DFOK for the upcoming (3) “Construction†phase of the River Pond project, to be done in a similar manner as the Fairmont & Warner projects were. The specific date(s) & tasks associated with this construction phase will be announced at a later date. It was moved & seconded to accept this request. It was then VOTED upon & passed 5-0 in favor.
6. VIRTUAL BAG TAG LEAGUE UPDATE: Shad Schafer stated that everything is going well with the league. He also stated that 40 tags have been “issued†thus far, with approx. two months to go in that league.
7. A lot of discussion then took place regarding past DFOK leagues, plus all types of potential DFOK leagues. It was also discussed that ALL ideas for future DFOK leagues must continue to be presented at regularly scheduled monthly DFOK Meeting to obtain DFOK’s approval & support.
8. MANHATTAN AREA DISC GOLF PAMPHLET: Daisuke Takahashi described the need for a pamphlet showing the 3 main disc golf courses in the Manhattan area. It was discussed that the Manhattan Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB) might be interested in funding the production of said document, if we design the document. It was moved & seconded to contact the Manhattan CVB to as for their assistance. It was then VOTED upon & passed 5-0 in favor.
9. LOST DISC LOCK BOX: Rob Santiago described the need for a disc golf lost & found lock box. It was discussed if DFOK would want to raise money to purchase one (or more) to be mounted in a park, plus maintain a system of returning discs to their owners. It was moved & seconded to think over “cros†& “cons†of this idea until the next meeting. It was then VOTED upon & passed 5-0 in favor.
11. CLUB LEADERSHIP STRUCTURE & RESPONSIBILITIES: Many items were discussed as part of this topic. Those items included the need for a Mission Statement, Organizational Goals, Written Standard Operating Procedures, Annual Goals, Officers, official Not-For-Profit or LLC status, etc. All in attendance agreed to continue working on the above mentioned (and similar) items in the coming monthly meetings.
Members in attendance were Shad Schafer, Rob Santiago, Mitch Brenn, Mark Kewley, Daisuke Takahashi, and me. (for those of you who were there, please feel free to clarify/correct/add to anything I wrote above… I could have easily missed something).
Rick Petrie
Oops. I got #7 & #10 fouled up... I must be half asleep... Those two are the same topic.
BTW, Mitch Brenn I considered your tree discussion covered in topic #3 above.
thanks for the minutes Rick.looks like it was a well rounded meeting
Thanks Jeremy. We also went round & round on topics too. (ha.) BTW, I called them "Notes" because they didn't go through any review & edit process before being posted.
When is the next scheduled meeting?
The usual "Last Thursday of the Month", thus Feb. 26th this month.