Nate, Bobis would shake his head at you and roll his eyes. I sent the e-mail out to the state already saying the event was this Sunday. It will be on Sunday as I don't want to compete with the C Tier tourney at Kensington. I wouldn't like it if they did that to us either. Besides, the faster we get done on Sunday is the faster I get back to watch the end of the Masters. I posted the question of changing days to the Bobis league talk section January 2nd then again on March 16th - why didn't u speak up then???
John Minicuci › BOBIS Ace Race April 7, 2011 at 2:14am
Nate, Bobis would shake his head at you and roll his eyes. I sent the e-mail out to the state already saying the event was this Sunday. It will be on Sunday as I don't want to compete with the C Tier tourney at Kensington. I wouldn't like it if they did that to us either. Besides, the faster we get done on Sunday is the faster I get back to watch the end of the Masters. I posted the question of changing days to the Bobis league talk section January 2nd then again on March 16th - why didn't u speak up then???