at this rate the ace pool will be empty by the end of the year! NICE ACE TEACH! tom finally got himself a BIG WIN with 8 skins last night, good job tom!
...speaking of the ace pool, at the end of this year on the last league night if no aces are hit that night then there will be a throwoff for 50% of whatever is in the pot at that time(50% as long as you are a member, 25% if youre not), whatever money is left over will not roll over to next year instead it will be added to the playoff pot for payouts at the finale round.
...I announced there was no league next week because xmas is Thursday BUT how does everyone feel about maybe making it up and just moving it to Friday for a one night throwback to freaky Friday skins? I I want to try and get another week in the schedule somewhere since we lost a couple for holidays to make the season an even 20 weeks, let me know asap so I can put it in the schedule
Mike and sweeny better start showing up! They are falling fast on that leaderboard.
Sweeney says he will be there next friday, you might get lucky though sweeney says hes gonna do things then family life keeps him hostage