The Hyzer Cup   September 26, 2014 at 1:38am

New Hyzer Cup League Play action starts October 1st!

Hyzer Cup League Play

League Directors: Casey Kimball, Chad Skroch and Eric Vasconcellos.

-New and improved League Play starts Oct. 1st, 2014! Win first place with your handicap modified score to become the Champ and retain the coveted Hyzer Cup trophy.

-Hyzer Cup Champ will choose the next course location and CTP hole at one of the qualifying courses.

-If Champ can not attend the next week’s challenge, the Hyzer Cup will be returned to previous champion.

-Handicaps will reset twice a year on Oct. 1st and April 1st.

-Score cards and Ace Pot will be collected after each league day by one of the League Directors, or someone approved by the directors if they cannot attend.

-Handicaps will be determined based on league day scores, and the new handicap formula. Handicaps will be available to you via, our Facebook group page, or at the next League Play day.

-League Play will tee off at 9:00 am on Sundays with a 8:30 am to 8:50 am check in. Players meeting will be at 8:50 am sharp. Players arriving after 8:50 am may not be allowed to participate.

-100% of funds to the players, week to week!

Optional Ace Pot Buy Ins:

-$0: No Buy In

-$1: 1/3 of the pot

-$2: 2/3 of the pot

-$3: Full Ace Pot Buy In

Optional CTP Buy In:

-$2 optional CTP Buy In.

-Prizes will be either merchandise or cash pot.

Additional Notes:

General Hyzer Cup rules will remain the same, following PDGA rules. First Ace on the day wins amount set by their buy in. If that happens to be full amount, no other ace pot money can be awarded. If first ace is made by someone with a partial buy in, the remainder is still available. It will now be possible to pay out up to 3 aces on one day.

Hyzer Cup League Play will be registered on Click here: and join our Facebook group. Everyone is more than welcome to participate, and take part in any and all buy ins!

We welcome new players and look forward to playing with everyone! Your first time playing each season you will play with a zero handicap. Each time after that you will have your official Hyzer Cup Handicap adding to your chances of taking the Hyzer Cup (and negating some of those nasty extra strokes!).

Everything is optional and you can still play for Hyzer Cup Champion bragging rights, and the right to choose next weeks course and CTP hole without buying in at all. Suggestions are always welcome from everyone in the group.

Optional Net, and Gross Score Buy ins, likely in the future, depending on player interest.

“Official winter season will start after Oct. 1, 2014. Optional Ace Pot and CTP Buy Ins will start After Oct.1 2014 as well. We are looking forward to golfing with you all soon!” -Chad Skroch

Casey Kimball   September 25, 2014 at 6:36pm

oops the link for our new facebook group page is: