If you haven't played here in a while, we have made a lot of good changes. From walk outs, to fair ways, to blackberry clearing and course maintenance. We have made 7 teepads out of the pavers, 3 of them made by the help of Salem Academy High school, we have 6 teepads that are rubber pads that were donated by Adair DGC in Corvallis, and only 5 tee pads left that are dirt. We have "next tee" signs on trees, cleared behind baskets and even put in alternative tee pads and pin locations. We would love to invite you to our 100 Hole tournament, and even if you don't play all 100 Holes, entrance to the course that day will be just $5 and you will get a t-shirt! Here is a picture of this year's 100 Hole Disc: http://www.discgolfscene.com/tournaments/More_than_Meets_the_Eye_100_Hole_Tourney_Canyon_Floor_2014/pictures/217539#217539
I plan on being there but no mention on disc of 100 holes this year like last years? Just wondering, still looks nice and can be sold off in general.
I meant the logo on the disc didn't say anything about 100 holes like on last year's disc. I realize there is a disc in player's pack.
Oh. Haha yeah I left it out I guess :) maybe I'll see if I can add it before they print.
Thanks for the disc back rick!!!!
Yeah man!!