Looks like the field gods are not being very kind. Just checked on the field use again. Left message with last person not to sign off on it last week. No reply. Just tried again. Now on vacation till Monday. The lady that always helps me did say that it had not been rented. The only thing she could tell me is that baseball is still going on and maybe like last time the practice field could be in use. Was sorry but had no answer. So now without divine intervention we are left with round 2 at Wortman being a little different now. Haven't had a chance to think about just add six holes to the 12 or whipping up something else. Will post course when figured out. Also Saturday any one willing to help make signs during the day feel free to stop by. Also Saturday evening could use help setting up some of the course for Sunday afternoon. Remember Round 1 and check in is at Dave Hieder's Hike not Wortman. Round 2 is at Wortman.
I'm sure whatever you whip up will be awesome. Can't wait to play Daves. Looks like we might have cool weather. Which would rock. Stay up Terry.