Lost pink Buzzz in the drink on 5 (near the green, hit inbounds on that side and bounced back in near the edge. Couldn't find it by feeling around). Also lost a pink ESP Crank (same hole, in the water under the covered bridge). Name and number on both. Reward for return. I also lost a pink big Z drone in the tall grass on 12 on the right side before the pin, searched for 20 minutes. Name and number should be on it. Would like to get it back.
The water near the bridge at #5 must be littered with discs. Some enterprizing group would do well to clear the area where refuse is removed and discs are returned for a price. I'll be looking for the opportunity to pay for some safe returns.
Wow you lost 3 out there? Well better to be robbed by the course and not the locals
Assualt and battery
Let's try to keep the stereotypes of Detroit residents out of the discussion. The debate about urban gentrification and the lease/sale to the State is not over.
its not a sterotype.
Samuel, OK...why don't you explain how "the locals are robbers" is not a stereotype? If you resort to the revised statement "some locals are robbers" then we can say that about many communities. If the revision is "many locals are robbers", I'd like to hear your thoughts as to why that may be.
Wow dude