Congrats to Chris Otis for hitting an ace on Sunday that was worth just over $500!! Wish I could have been there for it..I'm sure it put a big smile on his face. So we're back to growing that ace pool at both leagues now. Thursday at JCC and Sundays at Portage as always. A quick reminder as well to everyone to please check your score cards before submitting them at league. After receiving everything back, two scores were found to have been submitted with incorrect scores. No payouts were affected, but we still need to keep and eye on this. If your score doesn't appear correct on the leaderboard, it's because it was added incorrectly. Hope everyone had a great holiday. See you all next league day!
Lost Disc Tribe Summer Dubs 2014 July 8, 2014 at 9:02am
7/6/14 Big Ace!!
Congrats to Chris Otis for hitting an ace on Sunday that was worth just over $500!! Wish I could have been there for it..I'm sure it put a big smile on his face. So we're back to growing that ace pool at both leagues now. Thursday at JCC and Sundays at Portage as always. A quick reminder as well to everyone to please check your score cards before submitting them at league. After receiving everything back, two scores were found to have been submitted with incorrect scores. No payouts were affected, but we still need to keep and eye on this. If your score doesn't appear correct on the leaderboard, it's because it was added incorrectly. Hope everyone had a great holiday. See you all next league day!