Layout: 18 longs
Format: Singles for pros, random doubles for ams
Side Bets:
- Ace Poll = $700 and 3 points. Pays 1/2 to nonmembers
- CA$H CTP 50/50 = cash and 1 point
- CLUB CTP = Champ Tern, Innova American flag shirt from 7 Star Party Store, free food and drinks from TGIF and 7-11 and 1 league point.
- FREE LONGEST PUTT FOR ALL = KC Pro Aviar free Slurpee and 1 league point.
Good luck all!
...and the Singles Vs Doubles side bet too. Pays cash up to $40
No more ctp from hole 1 to 2s basket?
A lot of players said they would rather have a longest putt during the round instead.