Disc Fanatics of Kansas   May 20, 2014 at 8:11am

Win Dynamic Discs gear at DFOK Leagues.

Didn't end up with enough (or any) gear from Sunday's Little Apple Open? Well you are in luck.
Smitty with Dynamic Discs donated some gear to spice up our DFOK league nights. Yep.
Can't make it this Tuesday or Wednesday? You are in luck there too. We should be able to spread this stuff out for a few weeks. (Feel the hype).
See you soon,

Rick Petrie   May 20, 2014 at 7:53am

Don't get too excited though, there are NOT any Ranger bags or any big ticket items like that up for grabs.

Rick Petrie   May 20, 2014 at 10:14pm

Congrats to Andy Garrett & Alan Fox for winning a Dynamic Discs Judge (Andy) and a Koozie (Alan) at DFOK Doubles League tonight.

Rick Petrie   May 22, 2014 at 6:17pm

Congrats to Nick Samuelson for winning the DD Koozie and Justin Neely for winning the DD Judge, at Wednesday's DFOK league event. The competition was a 2round CTP at basket #4.