Chad up at PIAS has hooked us up again this year with some great 2014 Team Stony discounts. Check this out.
All Friday night league players will get a PIAS punch card that gives a 20% discount on discs and a free disc with 10 punches. Every card comes with 2 punches. Plus you can leave your car with your name on it at their store so you don't have to remember it. If you cant make it to league, just stop in and mention "TEAM STONY" and they will give you a card but it may not have 2 punches on it unless you get it during league night.
Oh yea and they also gave us about $100 in plastic too! Boom!
Be sure to stop in there and thank them for signing on with us for another year!
2014 Friday Night Discin @ Stony April 20, 2014 at 5:08pm
Play It Again Sports!
Chad up at PIAS has hooked us up again this year with some great 2014 Team Stony discounts. Check this out.
All Friday night league players will get a PIAS punch card that gives a 20% discount on discs and a free disc with 10 punches. Every card comes with 2 punches. Plus you can leave your car with your name on it at their store so you don't have to remember it. If you cant make it to league, just stop in and mention "TEAM STONY" and they will give you a card but it may not have 2 punches on it unless you get it during league night.
Oh yea and they also gave us about $100 in plastic too! Boom!
Be sure to stop in there and thank them for signing on with us for another year!