Rick Saffeels  › Friday Frolfers - Camp to Camp   April 20, 2014 at 5:54am

Because of all the donations in the last two months to the course and the 35 bag tag sold, we raised enough for teepads to be made this coming Tuesday!! Thanks! 6 more teepads will be made as well as the steps to the walk outs on hole 4 and 8. We will have 245 highschool students on Tuesday to help beautify the disc golf course, the paintball course and the rest of the camp. We are also ordering prodigy discs and Innova discs for the up coming camp season.
ALSO: This will be the Extraveganza: 18 holes at Canyonview Camp for the rightful #1-#20 tag holders and then $1 per throw for some NEW discs!

Steve Moore   April 19, 2014 at 9:57pm

Excellent news Rick and guess plans are on as we had talked about, see you what time. PM me if you want

Paul Compton-PortlandMobileDiscLab   April 19, 2014 at 10:54pm

Looking forward to seeing the improvements, probably make it down when the kid's school is out.

Rick Saffeels   April 20, 2014 at 10:53am

Cool beans :)