Some round 3 details: the double ace pot was not hit in round 2 so there is a 72$ carry over on that! The player pack disc will be a choice of a Prodigy Pa1, M3, F5 or D3 in the brand new 350G plastic, touted as the best base plastic to hit the market. The player pack disc, if used, has the following advantages: any muffin bucket hit, whether it falls off or not, counts as a knocked off bucket. Area 51, Constellation and SpAce Invader points are doubled. We will have one SpAce Station hole for round 3.
Paul Compton-PortlandMobileDiscLab › SpAce Race 2014! Round 3: SpAce Prodigy April 16, 2014 at 2:32am
Some round 3 details: the double ace pot was not hit in round 2 so there is a 72$ carry over on that! The player pack disc will be a choice of a Prodigy Pa1, M3, F5 or D3 in the brand new 350G plastic, touted as the best base plastic to hit the market. The player pack disc, if used, has the following advantages: any muffin bucket hit, whether it falls off or not, counts as a knocked off bucket. Area 51, Constellation and SpAce Invader points are doubled. We will have one SpAce Station hole for round 3.