DGLA: Michigan Cooperative Point Series - Summer 2014 *** 5th Annual ***   April 15, 2014 at 5:46pm

DGLA MiCPS-S: Updates, Stats and Snow..... 4/15/2014

Wow what a quick summer season - Hope everyone is ready for our second Winter season. 3-4 inches of snow to secured the record snow fall since 1880. If your playing leagues this morning you wish it was still the Winter season to collect on your Double points for rounds played below 15 degrees. Shorts on Saturday and Snow on Tuesday - Must be Michigan.

Ok so 7 days later and we have gone from 14 participating leagues & 8 total players to 33 participating leagues & 242 total players already on the leaderboard.

Last summer had 34 leagues and 617 players - well on our way to break some more records in 2014.

If a Michigan league you play is not listed please send me (Foz) the link to the leagues "About" page before May 3rd.


The deadline to add new leagues is May 3rd 2014.


In the DGLA Oregon Cooperative Point Series I highlighted a special league they have out there, a women's only league. I wanted to do the same again for one of our Michigan leagues that has been around for a long time and has the same mission:

2014 Climax Club Ladies Disc Golf League

Next league day
Sunday, April 20 @ 1:00pm
Cold Brook Park
Climax, MI

About this League
Doubles league - 15 all-time players - 15 active players
$3.00 player fee each session
$2.00 ace pool

"Our club, established in 2009, is for any women who enjoys disc golf, wants to improve her game, are looking to meet more women who play disc golf, or for those who just want to get outside and have fun!

We play best shot doubles and pair beginner players with experienced.

Show up whenever you can, you don't have to commit to the whole season -although we'd like you to!

Check out for more information - www.ccladiesdg.com"

Thanks Jennifer Sawyer for your effort to provide this league so the ladies have a place to get together and compete and have fun in a comfortable environment.

If you know of other leagues like this one that help promote the sport for women or youths, please let us know so we can help promote the leagues and thank those who are helping to grow and improve this great sport.

Only 29 more spots for DGLA Player level players this summer. Show your support with $30 - less than most tournaments - get a players package, support Michigan Disc Golf Courses and be eligible for Mi State Championship Berths and awards based on your fun in leagues this summer.

Reminder - if you want to compete for Mi State Championship Berths and awards you must be a DGLA Player level member by the same date - May 3rd

HLW: Highlighted Leagues of the Week 2014
I will begin to update the Point Series Schedule with HLW - Highlighted Leagues of the Week - This is when the league round is worth double points. A great time to travel to a new league or visit one you have not been to in awhile. See old friends, make new ones, exchange ideas, have double the fun and get double the points.

If your league has a special date that you would like please contact me otherwise I will begin to randomly assign them trying to spread them out over June and July.

We will have some prizes for the player who plays the most participating leagues played in a given month and another prize for the most leagues played over the whole summer season. These are unique leagues not league rounds. Watch the Leaderboards - Looking at the "Leagues" leader board:

MONTHLY April 6-26, 2014
1 samuel Samsquanch smith 3
1 Adam Schneider 3
1 Jake Pardo 3
1 Scottie Reslock 3
1 Taggart Anderson 3
1 Jason Kirkaldy 3
1 mark ellis 3

These 8 players are at the top of the Leagues leaderboard for April so far.

Reminder the weekly leaderboards lock on Monday and only those rounds already submitted will be used in the weekly leaderboards stats.

The Monthly leaderboards lock two days after the last day of the month.

If you do not see a league round you played on the MiCPS leaderboard than ensure that league posted the round and ensure your profile shows the round - meaning you are properly linked within that league.

If you see "DROPPED" next to a round it was NOT one of your two best scores from that week (Sunday - Saturday), as only your best two scores are kept per week for MiCPS Points.

When you are new to a league help the league Admin out by either providing your email address used in your Disc Golf Scene profile or your PDGA # if it is listed in your DGS profile, either one can be used to link players profiles to a league.

You may have also notice that the Leaderboard numbers just updated. Sorry we just corrected the point calculation to our Three Tier Point Structure we have been using for the last two years. It gives a boast to the smaller leagues, less than 20 players and caps the larger leagues. Smaller leagues points are awarded from the top down starting with 20 points. Leagues with more than 60 are capped at 60. So there is still advantages to playing the big leagues and yet some equalization if you only have smaller leagues in your area. I highly suggest getting out and playing both large and small leagues they offer different experiences.

So as of now here are our top ten on the overall leaderboard. We can already see the impact of the larger summer leagues.

Overall standings
Player Points
1 Taggart Anderson 88
2 Ryan Herzog 80
3 2 J 77
4 mark ellis 76
6 samuel Samsquanch smith 64
7 Jamie Mosier 62
7 John "Johnny Mac" McClenahan 62
9 Christian Sersha 58
10 Floyd Hampp 57

Uncle Sam say - "Happy Tax day" Remember .000000000000001% of those tax dollars go to support our great parks and courses ;-)

Get out and enjoy some great Michigan Winter/Spring/Summer like rounds - maybe all in the same day ;-)
