LDT summer league rules (league members please review)
The following are the Lost Disc Tribe rules for the Summer League 2014 season:
During a league round all members will be expected to follow PDGA guidelines (with some exceptions as outlined by league coordinators) and be respectful towards other participating members (this includes your doubles partner). Violations of this rule will result first in a warning, but if further violations are committed then a league ban may be instituted for that individual.
The number of players participating in a league round will determine the number of places that will be paid out. 9 or less players pays 1 spot (100% for 1st). 10-17 players pays 2 spots (70% for 1st, 30% for 2nd). 18-26 players pays 3 spots (65% for 1st, 25% for 2nd, 15% for 3rd). 27 or more players pays 4 spots (50% for 1st, 25% for 2nd, 15% for 3rd, 10% for 4th). Numbers will be rounded to reflect whole dollar amounts.
In the event of a tie for cash winnings (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.), those winnings will be determined by a 3 hole playoff to be played on holes 10,17, and 18. If there is a tie after these 3 holes have been played, then the winner will be determined in a sudden death fashion. This loop, beginning with 10, will be played until a winner is determined.
Points will be based on a new system beginning this summer. You will receive 2 points for participation, 2 points for every team that you beat (if there is a Cali this counts as a “teamâ€), and an extra 2 points if you win the league round. For example, if there are 4 teams (and no ties) then 4th place would receive 2 points, 3rd place 4 points, 2nd place 6 points, and 1st place 10 points.
In order to be eligible for points in a league round you must complete the round. If you do not complete the round then you forfeit any entry fee/ace pool/ctp money that you submitted, your name will not be added to the list of participants that played on Disc Golf Scene, and you will not receive any league points for the round. You will also be given the lowest bag tag that is up for grabs that day.
If, during a round, your partner forfeits and you decide to finish the round without him/her, then you will retain your current score and play Cali for the remainder of the round. If your partner leaves and you choose not to finish the round, then you will receive a refund for your entry fee ($5). Ace pool and ctp money will not be refunded, and you will receive no league points for the round if you choose not to continue.
If you are playing Cali during a round and you get a hole-in-one (ace) on a Cali shot (second shot) from the tee, this does NOT count as an ace towards the ace pool. An ace only counts towards the ace pool for Cali if it is their first shot from the tee. You will still receive a 1 on the hole for a second shot ace, but will not get paid out for an ace. As always, Cali does not pay any extra when playing in our league (even if Cali is chosen or flipped for). There will be no extra league points awarded for an ace during league for anyone.
If you are a tag holder, but did not bring your tag to league play, then you are still eligible for the full ace pool benefits, however you are NOT eligible for the free CTP, and you will not be playing for tags during that league round.
If you buy into tags, then you must attend a minimum of (1) league round per month. A warning will be issued if there is a calendar month that you have not participated in. At this point you will be given the lowest tag that we have available and your higher tag # will be awarded to someone who has been attending league regularly. If another calendar month is skipped at any time during the season after the first warning has been issued, then this may result in tag forfeiture.
No berths will be available for summer league, but we will have some great prizes for the 2014 summer points winners. For winter and summer in 2015 we will have more berths to award.
If you choose to bring a youth (under the age of 16) to league that is fine, but you will automatically be partnered with that youth. You will both still be responsible for normal league dues. Youth tees will now be set up for each league round.
Female players (16 or older) will be entered into the random draw with all the other players, but will also be eligible to play from short tees depending on level of ability (determined by league administrators).
If, during a round, an administrative personnel (Jason Cassidy or Ben Ross) determines that weather conditions are too dangerous to continue, then the round will be stopped and scores will be determined on a fair value system. For instance, if each team has played 12 holes, but only 8 were the same holes, then the scores for those 8 holes will determine the winner.
In order to foster respect for the game of disc golf, intentional cheating in any form will not be tolerated by Lost Disc Tribe. If a group reports that an individual player or team has intentionally cheated during a round (this includes, but is not limited to, pencil whipping, reporting an incorrect score to the score keeper, moving your disc closer to the basket for a better lie, or altering the opposing team's disc in any way) then that group or individual will receive ONE warning. However, if the league administrators deem that the infraction is too severe to warrant only a warning, then that individual(s) may be immediately banned from the Lost Disc Tribe league. If it is determined that only a warning will be issued, then those involved will forfeit their round. This means that those in violation are not eligible for league points or prizes, and will forfeit their league dues/ace pool/ctp monies for the day. If that individual(s) is EVER associated with another intentional cheating infraction, then they will automatically be banned from Lost Disc Tribe league.
If there are any disputes regarding the rules as they are written, or if there is a rule that must be proposed on site due to a new issue, then the league administrators (Jason Cassidy and/or Ben Ross) hold carte blanche over any decision made regarding those disputes.
Lost Disc Tribe Summer Dubs 2014 April 8, 2014 at 8:55pm
LDT summer league rules (league members please review)
The following are the Lost Disc Tribe rules for the Summer League 2014 season:
During a league round all members will be expected to follow PDGA guidelines (with some exceptions as outlined by league coordinators) and be respectful towards other participating members (this includes your doubles partner). Violations of this rule will result first in a warning, but if further violations are committed then a league ban may be instituted for that individual.
The number of players participating in a league round will determine the number of places that will be paid out. 9 or less players pays 1 spot (100% for 1st). 10-17 players pays 2 spots (70% for 1st, 30% for 2nd). 18-26 players pays 3 spots (65% for 1st, 25% for 2nd, 15% for 3rd). 27 or more players pays 4 spots (50% for 1st, 25% for 2nd, 15% for 3rd, 10% for 4th). Numbers will be rounded to reflect whole dollar amounts.
In the event of a tie for cash winnings (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.), those winnings will be determined by a 3 hole playoff to be played on holes 10,17, and 18. If there is a tie after these 3 holes have been played, then the winner will be determined in a sudden death fashion. This loop, beginning with 10, will be played until a winner is determined.
Points will be based on a new system beginning this summer. You will receive 2 points for participation, 2 points for every team that you beat (if there is a Cali this counts as a “teamâ€), and an extra 2 points if you win the league round. For example, if there are 4 teams (and no ties) then 4th place would receive 2 points, 3rd place 4 points, 2nd place 6 points, and 1st place 10 points.
In order to be eligible for points in a league round you must complete the round. If you do not complete the round then you forfeit any entry fee/ace pool/ctp money that you submitted, your name will not be added to the list of participants that played on Disc Golf Scene, and you will not receive any league points for the round. You will also be given the lowest bag tag that is up for grabs that day.
If, during a round, your partner forfeits and you decide to finish the round without him/her, then you will retain your current score and play Cali for the remainder of the round. If your partner leaves and you choose not to finish the round, then you will receive a refund for your entry fee ($5). Ace pool and ctp money will not be refunded, and you will receive no league points for the round if you choose not to continue.
If you are playing Cali during a round and you get a hole-in-one (ace) on a Cali shot (second shot) from the tee, this does NOT count as an ace towards the ace pool. An ace only counts towards the ace pool for Cali if it is their first shot from the tee. You will still receive a 1 on the hole for a second shot ace, but will not get paid out for an ace. As always, Cali does not pay any extra when playing in our league (even if Cali is chosen or flipped for). There will be no extra league points awarded for an ace during league for anyone.
If you are a tag holder, but did not bring your tag to league play, then you are still eligible for the full ace pool benefits, however you are NOT eligible for the free CTP, and you will not be playing for tags during that league round.
If you buy into tags, then you must attend a minimum of (1) league round per month. A warning will be issued if there is a calendar month that you have not participated in. At this point you will be given the lowest tag that we have available and your higher tag # will be awarded to someone who has been attending league regularly. If another calendar month is skipped at any time during the season after the first warning has been issued, then this may result in tag forfeiture.
No berths will be available for summer league, but we will have some great prizes for the 2014 summer points winners. For winter and summer in 2015 we will have more berths to award.
If you choose to bring a youth (under the age of 16) to league that is fine, but you will automatically be partnered with that youth. You will both still be responsible for normal league dues. Youth tees will now be set up for each league round.
Female players (16 or older) will be entered into the random draw with all the other players, but will also be eligible to play from short tees depending on level of ability (determined by league administrators).
If, during a round, an administrative personnel (Jason Cassidy or Ben Ross) determines that weather conditions are too dangerous to continue, then the round will be stopped and scores will be determined on a fair value system. For instance, if each team has played 12 holes, but only 8 were the same holes, then the scores for those 8 holes will determine the winner.
In order to foster respect for the game of disc golf, intentional cheating in any form will not be tolerated by Lost Disc Tribe. If a group reports that an individual player or team has intentionally cheated during a round (this includes, but is not limited to, pencil whipping, reporting an incorrect score to the score keeper, moving your disc closer to the basket for a better lie, or altering the opposing team's disc in any way) then that group or individual will receive ONE warning. However, if the league administrators deem that the infraction is too severe to warrant only a warning, then that individual(s) may be immediately banned from the Lost Disc Tribe league. If it is determined that only a warning will be issued, then those involved will forfeit their round. This means that those in violation are not eligible for league points or prizes, and will forfeit their league dues/ace pool/ctp monies for the day. If that individual(s) is EVER associated with another intentional cheating infraction, then they will automatically be banned from Lost Disc Tribe league.
If there are any disputes regarding the rules as they are written, or if there is a rule that must be proposed on site due to a new issue, then the league administrators (Jason Cassidy and/or Ben Ross) hold carte blanche over any decision made regarding those disputes.