Manic Mondays Spring 2014   April 4, 2014 at 5:11am

1 Disc Night!

I set some personal records this past week . . . and not the good kind . . . but I will learn from the round.

What did you throw and how did you think you did overall?

This week is Stableford where you are really rewarded for aggressive play! Try not to leave any putts short . . . even your drives for that matter because an ace and a par is worth more than 2 birdies!

The ace pool does not carry over into this format because it artificially encourages people to throw for aces . . . but any ace hit this week will get a portion of the weeks ace pool.

I hope the weather cooperates and the rain holds off . . . but I will be there regardless as will many others!

Tyler Boone   April 3, 2014 at 10:27pm

I used the Opto Pure. I was having a great round, tying my best at VV. I thought I had a shot at first. I was a little bummed to see I got second. The thing that stinks is on hole 18 I had a ten footer that I slept on and dropped short. Missed tying for first place by one stroke. Oh well. I know to focus more no matter how short the putt.