On Saturday the 15th, someone vandalized one of the finished picnic tables with a stupid Disc Charger circle. It is unmistakeable because you can't spell disc.....not DISK. If you are the person guilty of this act, please make arrangements to repair the table as soon as you can. If you dont, STAY AWAY FROM BUXTON WOODS!! If you know who this person was, please forward this message. If there is continued vandalism of the private property at Buxton Woods, the tables will be removed. Come on Folks!!!
I find it hard to believe that anyone who would make one of those stupid circles would ever be involved in any way with the disc community. ...I've always wanted to catch someone making one of those in front of me...
I agree
Weak. Sorry to hear about douche bags with sharpies.
someone needs to hook these vandals up to a brain charger
that is messed up. Kevin and the rest of the guys put work in up there. whoever did this. needs to be kicked in the balls
i heard there was a reward for the guy whos doing this.....they took the pic-nic table out at paradise point for the same reason......i will add 10$ to the reward for the person caught
im with Myk. Ill drop $10 as well. disc is young. course etiquette will catch on. I have faith. Some serious douche bags play disc, but from my experience they pick up on their opponents habits. They sometimes change. Anyway.....$10!