DGLO 2014 NEEDS SPOTTERS!! Volunteers will receive a tee shirt, lunch, and 1 Discraft disc per hour of their choice!!! Tourney days start at 7am and go til about 5 or 6pm, so there's a lot of plastic ...
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DGLO 2014 NEEDS SPOTTERS!! Volunteers will receive a tee shirt, lunch, and 1 Discraft disc per hour of their choice!!! Tourney days start at 7am and go til about 5 or 6pm, so there's a lot of plastic to be earned.. Sign up here on the Talk tab if you're interested, even if you're not sure which days yet. Please include your phone number or private message me. Thanks and help spread the word!! Bring a buddy, too!!
(The US Amateur Disc Golf Championship needs spotters the weekend after this tourney, so there are 6 total days we need help with, Friday-Sunday on back to back weekends. USADGC link: