Ribbons have been approved for this event. It's your responsibility to provide ribbon. I also hear that chaulk works pretty well as a guide to see where your disc entered the snow. Feel free to chaulk it up!
What happens if you lose a disc in the snow that clearly landed in-bounds? Is there a time limit for looking for it? I lost one yesterday on hole 3, it couldnt have been more than 20 yards from the basket....
You have 3 mons to look for a disc. If the disc is not found, you must rethrow from your previous lie. There will be no penalty stroke for lost discs, but you must count the throw you lost you disc on. So if you tee off, and must re-tee, you are throwing your 2nd shot.
Do ribbons affect the disc flight at all as far as you know? Ever used them?
They seem to shorten the flight a bit, but it's much better than looking and not finding.
What happens if you lose a disc in the snow that clearly landed in-bounds? Is there a time limit for looking for it? I lost one yesterday on hole 3, it couldnt have been more than 20 yards from the basket....
You have 3 mons to look for a disc. If the disc is not found, you must rethrow from your previous lie. There will be no penalty stroke for lost discs, but you must count the throw you lost you disc on. So if you tee off, and must re-tee, you are throwing your 2nd shot.