Randy Gallagher  › MI Match Play Association   January 29, 2014 at 5:08am

Attention all disc golfers there will be a MiMPA championship berth being given away at the March Black & White event at Hudson Mills on March 23. Upon winning this berth you will be invited to the MiMPA Championships that are being held in Mt. Pleasant, MI.

The player must be a registered member of one of the listed clubs on the MiMPA clubs page (winning player will be verified before receiving the award). If the player isn't a registered member they may pay the Black & White fee of $25 to become eligible.

How to win:
The player with the most match play points at the end of two rounds (doubles & singles) wins. Ties will be settled by the amount of birdies in the singles round.

If there any questions please feel free to email Black & White at [email redacted] or visit our website bwcreate.org