So far we have raised $27 for the TOC and will continue to do so next week at Stony Creek. Joe Gabris won the CTP @ River Bends for $18! This coming week we are at Stony Creek, we will play the 22 hol ...
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So far we have raised $27 for the TOC and will continue to do so next week at Stony Creek. Joe Gabris won the CTP @ River Bends for $18! This coming week we are at Stony Creek, we will play the 22 hole layout we played last time(holes 1-21 & 26). I'd like to play long tees though. Lets talk tee pad conditions shall we. I am looking for a few volunteers to help out with shoveling and salting/ice melt on the tees Friday and Saturday morning. I don't want anyone getting hurt out there. So if i could get just three people for next Saturday to show up at 11 am that would make it much easier on me and the playing conditions would be greatly improved. I will pick up some ice melt this week, but I need assistance. Anything anyone can contribute would be awesome(shovels, salt, ice melt or time). A Thank You to all the players that continue show up and support the league. Remember we play on Saturdays for two reasons, to keep the legacy of Mike Bobis going strong and to have fun!! BOBIS!!