DGLA: Ohio Cooperative Point Series - Winter 2014 (1st Annual)
7 participating leagues
40 total players have played a participating league round so far to date.
We are in Week 7 of the 14 week Ohio State Wide Disc Golf Cooperative Point Series Winter (OhCPS)
It all wraps up Saturday Mar 1st 2014
The OhCPS is FREE to all Disc Golf Scene players who play participating OhCPS leagues. You are competing for the title Ohio Disc Golf League Winter Champion.
DGLA Lifetime Membership is currently FREE
Return on investment - PRICELESS
Also the last day to add a new league to the OhCPS – Winter is Jan 15th as well.
So what's been going throughout Ohio leagues in the last few weeks? Well I'm not in Ohio and I am not out playing your leagues so all I have are these stats to comment on. I'd love to add any insights, crazy happenings and any local color anyone is willing to share. Otherwise I will just scan the stats and see who is doing what. The other thing that would help is a few pictures of leagues; registration, some play, the weather ect. Post the pictures on your profile and in the Album setting link them to your league, then everyone can get a view of disc golf throughout the state or across the country. I see Osborne Iceberg League has 87 photos - Thanks! Looks like everyone is having a winter blast ;-)
Ok for the month of December (1st – 28th) , two days after the 28th, Disc Golf Scene magic happens and the special weekly Leaderboards lock – only those rounds posted to that points are included.
The overall leader board updates when ever a league round is posted or updated.
The results - Players get extra Achievement Bling on their profile pages and the special leaderboards memorialises the achievements; the most Rounds played and most Points accumulated during a week, and Month, as well as most Wins and most Leagues played for the month.
It’s currently week 7 so everyone still has time to climb the leaderboard. Let’s take a look at who is playing and who is achieving.
Greatest points accumulated in a week for the month of December:
Larry Bright Jr. 41 points week #
Two league round Wins:
Sims Sunday Winter Scrambles & 2013-14 Osborne Iceberg League
The next highest weekly point getters during December were:
Bill "The Ninja" Savage 23 Week # 2 & 3
Brian T 23
james moose graham 23
zero 84 23
tim toth 23
Mike Thomas 22
Greg Platt 22
Tim kaihlanen 22
Greg Platt 22
Thomas Golubski 22
Mickey Anderson 20 Week 2 & 5
tim toth 20
Scott McCullough 20
Steven Cain 20
Brian T 20
james moose graham 20
Note that winning a singles round with 20 or less players will earn you the max points for this size league. Leagues with less than 20 players the points are calculated starting with 20 for the winner, plus 2 points for participation and if there is no tie for first then they are the Outright winner and get an extra point.
So even a league of 4 players the winner(s) get at least 20 points. A round has to have at least 4 players to count. So playing any league in Ohio even if there are only 4 players keeps you in the running. It looks like the current winter Ohio leagues run between 16 to 4 player per round.
The OhCPS - uses your two best rounds and drops the others - Play a third round drop your worst round - maximize your points. It's a long winter - anything can happen.
So who Played the most rounds in a given week?
Most rounds played in a given week for December was 3, achieved by two players.
Larry Bright Jr. 2 rounds week 5 as mentioned above when he racked up the 41 points.
Way to get out and enjoy the rounds even in Winter guys.
Ok now let’s look at the December overall stats:
In a 14 week Point series a good week is great but consistency is long term success strategy. Just getting out each week will keep you in striking distance and the ultimate is consistently winning but there are a lot of other players out there trying to do the same.
38 Players played in these 7 leagues during December for a total of 69 rounds.
Most Rounds
1 Larry Bright Jr. 5
2 Bill "The Ninja" Savage 4
3 John Franks 3
3 james moose graham 3
3 Steven Cain 3
3 Mike Thomas 3
3 tim toth 3
8 mike broa 2
8 Greg Platt 2
8 Thomas Golubski 2
8 Ryan Banks 2
8 PK Deaner 2
8 Cory King 2
8 Dan Davis 2
Most Leagues
1 Larry Bright Jr. 2
2 Bill "The Ninja" Savage 1
2 Mike Thomas 1
2 Bob Becker 1
2 Tim kaihlanen 1
2 Mike "SpiGGy" Broda 1
2 PK Deaner 1
2 Mitch G 1
2 Greg Platt 1
2 mike broa 1
2 eric wernet 1
2 Andre T Hooks 1
2 Mike Gastin 1
2 Ryan Banks 1
Most Wins
1 Bill "The Ninja" Savage 2
1 Larry Bright Jr. 2
1 Greg Platt 2
4 Rick Gzesh 1
4 Andre T Hooks 1
4 Mike Thomas 1
4 Tim kaihlanen 1
4 Thomas Golubski 1
4 james moose graham 1
4 Brian T 1
4 zero 84 1
4 tim toth 1
4 Kevin Daney 1
1 Larry Bright Jr. 96
2 Bill "The Ninja" Savage 78
3 tim toth 59
4 james moose graham 57
5 John Franks 55
6 Mike Thomas 54
7 Steven Cain 53
8 Greg Platt 44
9 Brian T 43
10 Mickey Anderson 40
10 Thomas Golubski 40
OK great weekly and monthly achievements by everyone.
The trends for December are pretty clear. The players who got in their two rounds in a week racked up the most points. Wins helps - collecting the most points for a given round. You don't have to win a bunch of round to collect a bunch of points and stay within striking distance for the long haul.
Let the games Continue......
Lets see where the overall standings are currently:
LEAGUE LEADERS (Out of 40 Players participating so far)
All Leaderboards » Overall Points
Player Points Rounds
1 Bill "The Ninja" Savage 159 8
2 Larry Bright Jr. 154 8
3 tim toth 131 7
4 Mickey Anderson 88 5
5 Mike Thomas 86 5
6 james moose graham 80 4
7 Thomas Golubski 78 4
8 John Franks 73 4
9 Brian T 59 3
10 eric wernet 58 3
11 Scott McCullough 57 3
12 Cory King 53 3
12 Steven Cain 53 3
14 Dan Davis 52 3
14 PK Deaner 52 3
16 Josh Thomas 46 3
16 zero 84 46 2
18 Greg Platt 44 2
19 Benjamin Wonders 41 3
20 Bill Perry 37 2
20 Mike Lee 37 3
Ok so some of the secrets are pretty obvious.
The more rounds you play the higher the probability you will learn new skills to improve your game.
The more you improve the better your finish and the points help track that for you.
Getting out even when the weather is challenging. You get used to playing in differing conditions - your ready for any situation.... It's also great to be out on the course in different conditions to experience the full range of beauty that our parks offer us.
The more leagues you visit the more you learn about how different groups run their leagues, side games, new ideas, and these ideas spread. You also meet more players, make new friends and find new players to play with.
Like weather conditions courses change the game as well. The more courses you play the better you are at assessing the course and your find your throw more variety of shots, versus playing the same holes the same way each round.
Welcome to all the new players. Great to see all the regulars on the leaderboards week after week.
Thanks again to DiscGolfScene for all the auto-magic that makes this possible and the League Coordinators who make leagues happen week after week, in every condition possible, so we can play some more Disc Golf...
Everyone enjoy the Winter league rounds - Stay Warm and Safe.
thanks for the info and spearheading this for us!!