DGLA expanded the Statewide Cooperative Point Series to Oregon and Ohio this winter and already the expanded player cooperation has yielded new ideas. ROGUE RIDER (Lee) from Oregon sent me an idea to swap a few Michigan Event or Club stamped discs for some Oregon discs to help spice up their CTP and award disc selection. Pretty cool idea. With a little more cooperation, Lee and I have expanded this idea to help all the interested clubs and leagues in our state to create the first Oregon <– O –> Michigan Disc Swap
What we purpose is to collect discs from any club/league in Michigan and in Oregon and then swap the discs and redistribute the discs to the participating club/leagues. If you’re interested please contact Foz or Lee depending on which state your club/league is in. We will explore how to grow and improve the disc swap, such as adding other state into the mix. Keep those ideas flowing. It's amazing what can be accomplished when we work cooperatively.
Disc must have a Club/League/Event stamp and in New condition.
Deliver your disc and $1.00 per disc (to help with shipping) to your state contact (see below) by Friday February 28th 2014 .
Provide the following information with the disc(s):
Organization Name:
Contact Name:
Disc Golf Scene name (if different):
Contact Phone Number:
Description of disc(s) provided (Max 2 per organization):
Note Michigan Organizations - Two discs max per organization for this first Oregon <– O –> Michigan Disc Swap as we have many more clubs than Oregon currently.
The discs will be randomly assigned and redistributed to the participating organizations before the Summer season kicks off. (early March)
In Michigan we will have a random drawing event at a local Ann Arbor brewery for those who want to attend in person (details to be announced). I will also try and post pictures and details of the discs / groups participating on Facebook so everyone can see what discs are being swapped and are up for grabs at a league near you….
We hope to swap at least 50 discs in this first exchange so check your club inventory, or personal stash and swap for something most likely no one else in your state has in there bag or on their wall.
(Oregon) ROGUE RIDER (Lee)
(Michigan) Foz Miller
Stay warm and enjoy the winter disc golf league rounds - Peace
So Cool! Nice work guys.
id love to see all the clubs in oregon come together as one big discgolf community!