Lost blue crank hole 7 left hand side should be just past the first bush.
A ten yr buzz on hole 10 left hand side again it should be too deep in but it looked like it wasn't far past the corner half way up the fairway it has an ace on it.
I also lost a champ mob series destroyer on 15 on the right I'd say it's about 50-100 ft past that group of trees about 20 ft off the fairway that disc also has an ace on it.
All those lost discs and You still won...wtf? lol Great job Wade! Nice shooting buddy...
fyi... I'm gonna find that Buzzz!
Thanks Jesse. I was actually shocked too. I figured I was out after I lost the second disc
I forget to put the ten yr buzz is blue with red stamp. the destroyer is orange
I found my blue ten yr buzz and my orange champ destroyer. I am still looking for my crank though, and an 3Xpress on hole 2