No courses posted yet? Are we waiting for the official 4 to be throw out or can we make suggestions? I would like to throw waterworks into the mix.....I know it is supposed to be a mando last round of the month, but a heard a number of folks state that it would be hard for them to make their 2 rounds this month if we didn't stay close. With the upcoming holidays, it might be nice to consider this as an option....but then again, what do I know.....I only keep score. Hope ya'll had a good Monday.
Sorry bout the waiting... on it now
1. Saline Rec Center, 2. PiHi, 3. Stockbridge HS, 4. 9-temp baskets at Sprow's house. :) CHA!!!
I thought there were courses posted earlier??
Pi HI!!
Check the about page for the real list.
That Sprow guy has got a killer layout at his place.